Monday, August 23, 2010

Oui, Je Parle Francais

One year ago today I began this blog.
Crazy to think it's been an entire year!
Thanks for sticking with me through my rambling :)

Today I registered for my fall school courses.
As it worked out, one of the classes I chose is an online course so, having only one class left to enrol in, my schedule showed Mondays completely free.
Obviously this heavily influenced my decision as to what final course I would take.
Vast majority fell on Mondays.
But I found one that didn't! And it turns out it's a course I was actually considering taking.
It's french!
I'm always complaining that I wish I knew a second language and I did pretty well in french in high school so I hope this course is beneficial and fun.
I have a feeling I'll be wanting to switch out of the second half of it once the Christmas holidays roll around......but until then I'm going to be brushing up on my conjugating of the 'er', 're', and 'ir' verbs.
Since I'll be perfecting my french this upcoming year, I thought it would be fitting to present to you my favourite French things for today's post.
French 'Good Things'

Pain au chocolate
If you don't agree with this then go have a baguette and leave me to devour every last bite of this chocolate-filled brioche peice of heaven.

La Tour Eiffel
Because (a) the first time I saw it I forgot to breath, realizing that I was really in Paris, and (b) because in the park underneath it was where I met up with the love of my life after being apart for almost 3 months. Cheeeeeeesy but possibly the most romantic moment of my life.

Marion Cotillard
She's talented, she seems as sweet as pie, and she's beautiful.

Wine and Cheese
No further explanation necessary.

Works by Edgar Degas and Henri Toulouse Lautrec
I have a print of this Degas painting (love all of his Ballerina stuff) that I bought in Paris at Musee DdOrsay. I love Toulouse-Lautrec's paintings and I stumbled across this one, titled 'In Bed Kiss'. I want it.
So that's that.
Happy one year anniversary to Martha-In-Training!
Hope you'll stick around for at least another year.
I promise lots more recipes, lots more crafts, and the return of Christmas Wednesdays!

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