Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Good Ol' Fashioned Cake Party

On Friday night two of my girlfriends came over and we decorated a cake for Tracy's mom's birthday. Her mom is pretty cool, apparent in the fact that she drives a motorcycle. So a motorcycle cake it would be!
While Danie was crafting the most amazing motorcycle out of fondant...

...Tracy and I were destroying a cake and making a mess out of fondant, respectively.

We saved the cake with icing and once we rolled out the fondant and covered it, the cake was ready to be decorated.

A fondant road, some royal icing grass and - oh, what's that? That beautiful green object in the upper left corner? Oh, well, that's the bush I created. Haha it's so bad when you compare it to the motorcycle.

VOILA! (only the motorcycle was in the freezer, hardening instead of on the cake)

A photo story of a cake!
I just pulled a loaf of banana bread out of the oven - one with an easter twist! Instead of chocolate chips (which I have none of) I used mini eggs! It looks delicious.
Today was my first official day of no class! I hit the gym early on and then John and I went out for breakfast at this place just around the corner called Good Bite. Good scrambled eggs. Then came back, watched last night's episode of Lost (I heart Desmond but less so as slick-hair Widmore lackey), did some P90X legs and back and the ab ripper, and just finished watching last night's much anticipated return of Glee! I am a happy camper. I may even have a bath later on and I plan on roasting a chicken that I bought from Loblaw's yesterday for FIVE DOLLARS! I know. It's in the oven right now roasting on top of potatoes and flavoured with grapefruit slices and a spice mix. Mmmmm.
I will put up some chicken dinner info tomorrow :)
Back to my laaaaaazy day with Murray

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