Monday, June 21, 2010

Hairstyles...Help! Round 2

Round 2.
I kind of told a fib as I definitely have more than 6 hairstyles to showcase today.
But I've already veto-ed some of the styles I posted.
First up:
2 partial updos for your consideration
Partial updo 1:
Partial updo 2 (I like the glamorous low pony):

...and now back to the updos.

Number 7:

Number 8 (like it but don't love it):

Number 9 (I used the golden power of Veto on this one but will still present it to you):

Number 10 (really like the back of this one):

Number 11 (like the back and front of this one):

So.....thoughts? I think my favourites may still be from Saturday's post.
I'll look for a few more partial updos and then i'll make a final decision.
I'll get back to recipes tomorrow, promise.

1 comment:

  1. I'm catching up! I'm a loyal reader too!
    Number 1 from the last post and number 11 from this one are my faves....only because I would worry about sweaty peices of hair around my neck in pictures haha.
